Threshold Hides: From Terrible to Terrific Webinar

Regular price $35.00
Regular price Sale price $35.00
  • Odor Puzzle, Advanced Topics Program, and Trial Prep Program
  • Instructor: Michele Ellertson
  • Length: 90 minutes
  • Continual Access

Threshold hides. Those pesky hides that are within the first five or six feet of the start line in any element. Your dog could rush by them! You could inadvertently push her by them! How can we train these ideas so that we and our dogs are ready when they are encountered?

Let’s look at a systematic approach to building threshold skill, including getting a “thinking” dog at the start line, and how we as the handler can help! Mostly, our dogs miss thresholds because of expectation - they expect there to be odor deeper in the space because, let’s face it, that’s the majority of the dog’s experience! We can easily change that dynamic through consciously placed hides. We’ll also talk about using aids such as pairing and small fans to manipulate the odor to give the dog the experience we are looking for.

Breaking down the ideas gives us better learning, better training, and ultimately better trialing!


This webinar has been approved for 2 NACSW CEUs.


"Michele is always spot on for breaking down exercises. They may seem so simple yet she can break them down even more.  Have seen her webinars before and in person as well.  Love Michele" Karen R.

"Another amazing webinar from Michelle. I love her systematic approach to training." Nicola R.

"Breaking it down, very clear steps for progression, and suitable for all levels" Penny M.


Are you training in Scent Work?

Then you and your dog must learn how to successfully tackle thresholds!

Are you interested in or currently competing in Scent Work trials? 

You are certain to encounter a threshold hide at some point in your trialing journey. Make certain you and your dog have the skills you need!

Are you a Scent Work instructor? 

Garner some ideas on how you can incorporate threshold hide training exercises and concepts into your own program.

Scent Work Instructor

Michele Ellertson

All of the content in this online webinar is created by, owned by, and the rights to the content, are reserved to Michele Ellertson. This content has been licensed to Scent Work University to be featured on the site.



- Continual access to the replay.
- Access to all associated resources.
- May email speaker with questions.

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